Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Altered Book Challenge

An internet group that I belong to is working on two challenges - a visual journal/sketch book, and an altered book of techniques. Here is the first technique - using texture and one kind of coloring medium. I used paintable wall paper and acrylic paints, Stewart Gill and Lumiere. Here are some scans of what I did.

I used matte medium to adhere the wall paper to the book.

Then I applied Stewart Gill acrylics in two different colors.

Finally I used Lumiere to define the texture of the wall paper.

Here is my finished two page spread.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

ATC Swap

Made this ATC for a current swap with some friends. The theme was ABR (anything but rubber), in otherwords, there could be no stamping! The background was created using a napkin and I wrote "Beauty" - no stamps used. The next ATC for the group must be created using no paper!